Admin/ErrorCode 5

DBCA로 생성시 ora-29807 발생에서 DBCA를 통해 DB생성시 ora-29807에러 발생 ignore로 계속 진행하니..문제없이 종료됨. Note:239304.1 Creating Database Using DBCA Under or - ORA-29807 Is Encountered Problem While using Database Creation Assistant (DBCA) to create a database (custom or template) after patchset or has been applied, ORA-29807 'specified operator does not exist' is encountered during 'create dat..

Admin/ErrorCode 2008.03.19

set current_schema 후 ora-2019 발생

ERP APPS의 접속통제로 조회용 유저에서 alter session set current_schema = apps ; 로 사용중인데 database link 부분에서 ora-2019 에러 발생 조회용 유저에 private database link를 생성해도 에러 발생 그래서 public database link를 생성하니 해결됨. ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found [참고자료] Cause When an ALTER SESSION SET current_schema is executed from the current session, the dblink is searched as the PUBLIC user, but not as t..

Admin/ErrorCode 2007.07.25