"orclXDB" is needed for XML database, and is set by DISPATCHERS initialization parameter. Try, as sysdba
SQL> show parameter DISPATCHERS
"orcl_XPT" : in 10g a service with name <sid>_XPT is automatically configured in addition to normal service names, and is intended for use within Data Guard environments.
alter sytem set "__dg_broker_service_names" = '' ;
히든파라미터 보기
set lines 140
col parameter format a20
col DESCRIPTION format a50
col SESSION_VALUE format a15
col INSTANCE_VALUE format a15
SELECT a.ksppinm parameter
,a.ksppdesc description
,b.ksppstvl session_value
,c.ksppstvl instance_value
FROM x$ksppi a
,x$ksppcv b
,x$ksppsv c
WHERE a.indx = b.indx AND a.indx = c.indx AND SUBSTR (a.ksppinm
) = '_'
and a.ksppinm like '%_dg_broker%'
ORDER BY a.ksppinm;