Client CD로 설치 없이 빠르고 간편하게 oracle로 접속할 수 있다.
Basic + sql*plus 다운로드후 모두 압축을 풀고 ,tnsnames.ora 파일만 추가하면 접속이 된다.
10.1의 경우 사이즈가 86M정도 된다.
접속해보니 다음 에러가 발생
ORA-12705: invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified
SET 명령어로 NLS_LANG을 설정하니 정상적으로 접속
시스템등록정보 - 고급 - 환경변수에 추가하면 된다.(PATH,NLS_LANG등)
Windows Configuration
The environment may be configured using SET commands in a Windows command prompt or made permanent by setting the Environment Variables in the System Properties.
For example, to set environment variables in Windows 2000 using System Properties, open System from the Control Panel, click the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables.
Add the directory containing the Instant Client files to the PATH system environment variable. Remove any other Oracle directories from PATH.
For example add c:\instantclient10_1 to the beginning of the PATH.
Set the user environment variable SQLPATH to the directory containing the Instant Client files so glogin.sql is found.
For example create a user variable SQLPATH set to c:\instantclient10_1
Set Oracle globalization variables required for your locale. A default locale will be assumed if no variables are set. See the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information.
For example, to set NLS_LANG for a Japanese environment, create a user environment variable NLS_LANG set to JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16EUC.