환경 : AIX 5.3
1. $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emca 실행
- management server 구성
2. OMS 시작
- oemctl start oms
- oemctl status oms
OMS Login : sysman/oem_temp
$ oemctl status oms
OEMCTL for AIX: Version Production
Copyright (c) 1998, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Oracle Management Server on host [xxxxxx] is functioning properly.
The server has been up for 0 00:06:24.303
Target database session count: 0 (session sharing is off)
Operations queued for processing: 1
Number of OMS systems in domain: 1 (xxxxxx)
Number of administrators logged in: 1
Repository session pool depth: 15
Repository session count: 8 in-use and 1 available, pool efficiency: 65%
3. oemapp console 로 OMS에 접속
4. Intelligent Agent 시작
- agentctl start
- agentctl status
DBSNMP for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 11-SEP-2009 15:29:16
Copyright (c) 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Version : DBSNMP for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production
Oracle Home : /k01/oraerp/xxxxdb/9.2.0
Started by user : xxxx
Agent is running since 09/11/09 15:27:13
5. node 검색
nodes -> discover nodes...
자동으로 검색되고,,실패되면 수동으로 등록하면 됨.