SELECT to_char(4194303*value,'999,999,999,999') MAX_BYTES,
to_char(trunc(4194303*value/1024),'999,999,999')||' Kb' MAX_KB,
to_char(trunc(4194303*value/1024/1024),'999,999')||' Mb' MAX_MB
FROM v$parameter WHERE name='db_block_size';
For convenience the table below shows the maximum sizes for common
DB_BLOCK_SIZE Max Mb value to use in any command
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2048 8191 M
4096 16383 M
8192 32767 M
16384 65535 M
Platform See
~~~~~~~~ ~~~
AIX (RS6000 / SP) Note 60888.1
Digital Unix Note 62426.1
Sequent PTX Note 62415.1
Sun Solaris Note 62409.1
Windows NT Maximum 4Gb files on FAT
Theoretical 16Tb on NTFS
** See Note 67421.1 before using large files
on NT with Oracle8
*2 There is a problem with DBVERIFY on 8.1.6
See Bug 1372172
*3 There is a problem with 8.1.6 / 8.1.7
where an autoextend to 4Gb can
cause a crash - see Bug 1668488