분류 전체보기 107

Refresh From Metalink Job fails with ORA-12899에서 발생 7354358 패치수행 -> 7603479 패치수행 -> 정상완료 Refresh From Metalink Job fails with ORA-12899 : value too large for column "SYSMAN"."MGMT_ARU_PRODUCTS"."PRODUCT_NAME" Checking Oracle MetaLink authorization. MetaLink Username: ********** MetaLink Password: ********** Patch Search URL: http://updates.oracle.com Updating OEM repository with latest release table data from Oracle MetaLink. - Exce..

Admin/admin 2009.04.24

emca -upgrade 오류 처리 에서 로 업그레이드후 EM에 접속이 안됨 ecma -upgrade 에서 오류가발생하여 7368170 apply [/volumes/u01/app/oracle] emca -upgrade db STARTED EMCA at Apr 23, 2009 5:30:14 PM EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter the following information: ORACLE_HOME for the database to be upgraded: ORACLE_HOME for the database to be upgraded:..

Admin/admin 2009.04.23

ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure / ORA-39700

솔라리스 8에 오라클 인스톨후 패치적용 완료 DB startup시 아래와 같은 메시지의 처리방법 "ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure / ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option" SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 293601280 bytes Fixed Size 2040088 bytes Variable Size 113254120 bytes Database Buffers 171966464 bytes Redo Buffers 6340608 bytes Database mounted. ORA-01092: ORACLE ..

Admin/admin 2009.04.22